Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thing #6

Since I know and use a lot of the tools on the webware top 100 list I am guessing I am more technologically savvy then I thought. When I started the project I never realized all the web 2.0 tools I use. Never gave the tools I use a second thought. We have become custom to the fact that we have the internet with all its tools of convenience and do not think twice about how far we have come.

My favorite on the list is Pandora. A girlfriend of mine turned me onto Pandora about two months ago on my iphone. It is an amazing music tool. I do not know if I could ever get through my workouts without it. One of my favorite things about the website is your choice of music. The channel I listen to the most is Vanilla Ice Radio, oh the memories. The only complaint I have with Pandora is the ads, but you take the good with the bad. The good by far out ways the bad. Another on the webware top 100 list that I have used is Skype. Anyone with a loved one in the military is most likely very familiar with this tool. You have no idea how Skype has brought me to tears, because I was able to finally see an image of my husband in real time that I had not seen in months. Many people use Skype for video conferencing. I have even seen Skype used on Good Morning America. The only down falls I have every encountered with Skype is slow feed and disconnects. I always assumed that the slow feed and disconnects was primarily due to where he is at and the internet he is using.

I think it would be neat to use Skype in the classroom. When I was in third or fourth grade we created pen pals across the world. Mine was in England. I thought it was so cool to correspond with someone in England. Today in our classrooms we could do a type of pen pal via Skype. Due to the time changes I am not sure how well across the world would work, but it could definitely be done across our country.

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