Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thing #18

I find that it is important for educators to know how social networking works so they can connect with fellow educators, stay in touch with peers that they completed school with for assistance in the classroom. Having sites such as twitter and facebook that allows us the opportunity to communicate with our entire friend list rather then sending an email after we go through our contacts or search for each persons email makes things much quicker and efficient. Not only do you have your friends for a resource, but your friends friends comments on your friends walls are visible to you, by this you even get more insights and views. As I have found in my personal life social network sites also keep you up todate with the slang language of the youth. Being an educator it is beneficial to know what the students are saying and talking about.
Of the two sites twitter and facebook, I like facebook the most. I find facebook to feel more personable. I do not like the limited characters for twitter. I am not fond of the quick what I would consider blurts of what is on your mind. I enjoy sharing pictures on facebook, this would be one of my favorite features. I also like that if I want I can have a private chat with a friend or send a quick private message.
I could see using facebook to set up a time I would be available to answer questions about homework or other questions students might have. The students could post statuses with questions or concerns they might have about what we covered, homework, or what we will be going over the following day. This gives the opportunity for the whole class to answer fellow classmates questions and gain a better understanding through others post.

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