Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thing #5

From my understanding School 2.0 means students learning online. Many of my friends home school and have been doing so for at least three years now. When I asked one of them about it her comment was “ She gets on the computer and does her lessons” I was not sure what she meant, but after reading the up about Web 2.0 I do. One of the radio stations here in town has ran an ad for schooling online. In the ad it says something about people learn in different ways. I completely agree people learn in different ways, but I do not think educating students primarily through the computer is the answer. I am all for technology in the classroom. Teachers and students should be using the latest technology in the classroom. However, in my opinion there should be a classroom where a teacher is there teaching. Most likely computers/internet are going to play a prevalent role in education, students possibly will be required to have a computer or some type of hand held device to bring to class. It will definitely be interesting to see where this goes in the coming years.

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