Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thing #11

The search tool that I liked the best was Edublogs’ award winners. The reasons I prefer this website first Edublogs is designed for the educator, second they allow the users to nominate their favorite blogs twitters, or other resource websites to later vote on. By doing this they simplify having to look through blogs, twitter to determine how valuable the material is. For the most part all the search tools were easy to use. My only complaint was that some were appeared to be bogged down with ads. Edublogs and Topix both were filled with useful content. Edublogs for the professional information and Topix for personal use. Topix determines your location and displays feeds for your area. I see now how searching for RSS feeds can become addictive, there is so much information out there I more then likely would have never found on my own. I added what seems like a ton of sites to my news feed. My husband has turned me into a news junky, I added Fox News and CNN news feed. I also added Cool Cat Teacher, Free Technology For Teachers, and a bunch more but right off the top of my head these I listed are the ones I like the most. 

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