Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thing #12

These tools were fun to play with. I wish I had more time to play with and personalize iGoogle. Maybe it will be something I can revisit this weekend. I like the Google Calendar, I need all the organization I can get. It never fails when I need to look at my calendar I do not have it with me. My iphone has a calendar on it, but it is so small and more of a hassle to enter the information. Maybe just maybe I can keep up with what I need to do and where I need to be. Another thing about Google Calendar is my husband and I can share the calendar. He can add stuff and check to see what we have going on. There will be no more excuses of you did not tell me, or you have to give me more notice than the day of. Oh Google Calendar please organize this family.

Google Translate is fun to play with too. I was listening to how words and phrases are said in a number of different languages. When I had to take my second year of Spanish I used Google Translate a lot. This tool will be very efficient in the classroom with so many ELL students in the schools. Google Translate could become a computer station for ELL’s to work on their English. It is amazing how all the tools of the web can be used in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the Google Calendar also. It will help me not double book events in the future and keep me more organized.
