Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thing #10

I enjoy the fact that every blog and twitter that I subscribe to are located there in one place. With having all my subscriptions in one place makes it easy to follow daily, hourly, or up to the minute. With the Google Reader I do not have to go into each individual blog or twitter. For my personal use RSS would be a time management tool. The RSS would bring the new post to me and I do not have to go and check each blog or twitter account to see if anything new has been posted. One way teachers could use the tool is, in appropriate grades they can keep up on breaking news and have class discussions. Teachers could also use the search tool on Google reader to locate specific concerns they might be having. The search tool then will bring those post to them. An example would be I am preparing a lesson on relating multiplication to division and I wanted to find new data research based activities, I could type my topic in the search box and it would bring me all the information that is available. The main factor of RSS is the time it saves you. It is a face book updater for all your sites you subscribe to.

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