Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thing #17

As a personal preference I like to bookmark my link by using my favorites. However, today I was at the store and I wanted to get the ingredients for a candy recipe that I bookmarked in my favorites on my computer at home and had no way to get the recipe and it will have to wait for another day. I do see how bookmarking websites can be handy and useful, but with all the options you feel overwhelmed. Also I do not want to bombarded with other peoples interest. Bookmarks can be helpful in the classroom. Useful websites can be bookmarked under a user name for the classroom and when they are doing classwork or homework and run into problem they can look up bookmarks to that subject and try to figure it out on their own. As for educational uses social bookmarking sites have their benefits, but on personal use I think it is just another bookmarking tool.

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