Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thing #21

Well I have not completed this assignment due to the fact I can not share my video from Animoto I had to embed it instead. Tomorrow I plan on going to Dr. Wall's office and find out what I am doing wrong. Also, I could not get to my flicker account, so I used pictures from my facebook. I am so glad we had to do this assignment, I love this tool. I posted my video to mine and my husbands facebook. I will definitely being using this tool again. Once you upgrade and have the capabilities to do longer videos you can begging taking pictures throughout the school year and at the end of every year put a video together to share with the parents. I thought doing the video would be difficult, but it was simple. The only problem I ran into was with the sharing through blogger, but I will get that figured out tomorrow.
Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

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