Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thing #19

Almost 2 years I have been on facebook. I know, I know it took me a long time to get hip with facebook. I enjoy facebook and the fact that I have connected with many people I have not spoke to in years. Other sites that I have recently joined are diigo, twitter,pinterest, and teacher pop, back in the day I had a myspace. There could possibly be more, I just can not recall any other ones at this time. Pinterest is an awesome place to look if you just do not know what to cook tonight for dinner.Other then setting the twitter account up I have not been back on twitter, I prefer my facebook. I am sure I will be frequenting teacher pop.I like the teacher/education social sites, and I am sure as I go further in my education and get closer to the class room I will become a member of many of these sites.

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