Friday, September 2, 2011

Thing #2

I prefer not to use my real first or last name for public viewing on the internet, so I took a combination of my last and first name. I like the way it sounds with the letter t at the end, it gives a strong pronounced sound. Creating the blog was not hard. The only problem I had is my own comfort level. I would consider myself a private person, and I am reluctant to doing a blog. It does not bother me for my thoughts or opinions to be viewed by friends or people I know, but I have always been reluctant to the idea of it being available so publicly. With the internet I think what you post is out there for everyone and anyone to see, and it will always be there.
I created my avatar to favor my idea of me. I consider myself conservative and a modest dresser. That could have something to do with my age, but I can recall back to when I was much younger and I was a modest dresser then too. However, with the avatar I do not feel the hair or eyes favor mine as much as I would have liked. That would be one complaint I would have, is that there was not many options to truly make it as personal as I would have liked.

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