Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thing #1

I am a firm believer in lifelong learning. One should strive to always learn, you will never be too old or too educated that you can not learn. Although it has kept me up way too late at night, I love that I am relearning mathematical methods for solving math problems. It could be something as simple as helping my son with his homework or learning how to do home improvement projects, it does not bother me that I will toss and turn till I get it figured out and have solved the dilemma before me. An idle mind is a waste. My easiest habit of the 7 1/2 would be #2 accept responsibility for your own learning. It is easy to make excuses and stare at a TV, but the reward of discovering new things by far out ways the time you “veged“ out. I do not like the “I can't” type of attitude. I understand that everyone has his or her own obstacles, but there is no reason to ever discount your self by saying “I can’t”. Say you can and do the best that you can. Habit 6 will be my hardest, I have no problem using a computer to do research or write a paper, but other then that it is not the first tool I consider. I tend to shy away for technology, but I am fully aware as a lifelong learner I need to become comfortable with technology. I am excited to be a lifelong learner and hope to be an example for the students I will teach and that they too will gain the desire to be a lifelong learner from me.

I would like to be comfortable with using web 2.0 tools. At this point in time I prefer to avoid working with the web 2.0 tools. For me just to learn the basics of what web 2.0 has to offer and be familiar with the tools and have a comfort level where it does not cause me to procrastinate. I would like to be efficient enough to preform beneficial task successfully. If I have to pick one tool it would be bloging. I have been enjoying the blogging and following others blog.

It was not hard to set up the blog. Learning to navigate around blogspot is rather easy. I did have some trouble with the layout, but I was able to complete a blog that I feel is personalized and is pleasing to me.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your view of teaching students to have passion through “leading by example.” I know that children are little sponges and that they mimic the actions of their parents and teachers. I agree that we have to be excited about what we are teaching, and we have to show our enthusiasm. Learning is catching and has to be fun – children are all about having fun, and these days that means computer time and high tech learning – more and more all of the time. I wonder if there are any “old school” teachers left in today’s school system, or have they all been modernized? Some day maybe -- a lap top for every student...
